


9 - 16显示18个结果

•他们会保持面包,面包,松饼温暖。•他们可以采取和平抗议标语和口号印花或绣花。•浴室和厨房货架可以内衬茶巾。•他们成为优秀的餐垫和客人在浴室的毛巾。•好一瓶酒可以裹着麻茶巾和优雅的设计。卡塔尔世界杯B组积分•茶巾也可以用来包装自制饼干作为礼物发送。•他们非常适合时时刻刻在客厅墙壁装饰。•派人茶巾上的消息也是一个可接受的用例。这不是普通的,这就是让它很特别。•他们让一个完美的礼物送给女主人或一个可爱的乔迁庆宴。 Did you know even Van Gogh and let out his creativity on tea towels when he ran out of canvas? Now, that’s too many reasons for anyone to not go without tea towels; and for you to place a bulk order with us right away.但是为什么麻?卡塔尔世界杯B组积分嗯,这里有一些原因购买从我们麻茶巾收集和拒绝其他的不可持续的面料选择。卡塔尔世界杯B组积分•大卡塔尔世界杯B组积分麻是一种天然织物吸光率高。洗碗巾的主要目的是为了干盘子或保持的东西,表面清洁。卡塔尔世界杯B组积分麻,高吸收性,完美的服务目的。•更紧密编织另一个大麻织物的品质,使其适合茶巾。卡塔尔世界杯B组积分更严格的编织,更好地将茶巾的能力吸收的东西,包里面的东西保持温暖。•另外,这是一个自然抗菌织物。它也能抵抗霉菌和霉菌。是完美的清洁柜台或菜肴甚至吸收大泄漏没有任何担心它是不卫生的。•另外,麻干得快卡塔尔世界杯B组积分。 No need to worry about tea towels taking forever to dry. They’d dry soon and can be quickly used again. • Hemp isn’t a coarse material anymore. Processing makes it smooth and comfortable to touch, making sure there’s no rough feeling on use.是什么让麻基金会的麻茶卡塔尔世界杯B组积分葡萄牙vs加纳亚盘赔率巾的最佳选择?当你批发订麻茶巾,你不只是得到大麻的美好。卡塔尔世界杯B组积分你也会麻基金会的质量保证,卡塔尔世界杯B组积分葡萄牙vs加纳亚盘赔率信任,和一些额外的福利。•与麻基金会,卡塔尔世界杯B组积分葡萄牙vs加纳亚盘赔率你不需要担心你的纯洁和可持续性麻菜毛巾。我们整个生产过程清洁环保,从农场在印度的北阿坎德邦到您的家门口。•想测试小装运吗?我们的船也只要一百块。你可以下一个小订单,检查质量和满意的产品。然后加载你的商店或网上商店麻茶巾来自美国。卡塔尔世界杯B组积分•我们也提供定制包装,给我们打电话,我们会尽我们所能减轻你的重新包装问题通过原包装适合您的品牌形象。•有设计记住你看不到显示吗? We might just be able to tweak our production process to produce exactly what you need. Our process is flexible and expandable, which gives us the liberty to meet all your custom hemp tea towel needs with ease. If you are sick of mediocre products and false claims of sustainability, we would like to show you how we aren’t one of those pseudo environmentalists and fake hemp evangelists. Our hemp tea towels are made with love in the Indian Himalayan Region. We grow our own hemp. The TLC content is less than 0.3%, which means you won’t ever land in a legal hot soup if you trust us. And we employ local villages, mostly women, throughout the production process. We don’t just give our customers tea towels that are beautifully designed and help the environment. We also give several people a source of livelihood and a sense of self-worth and independence. Women who would have otherwise been without jobs and no financial independence are now growing hemp, processing it, and turning it into classy hemp tea towels, with Hemp Foundation backing them at each step. And we hate compromising as much as you do. That’s why we have a range of exquisite patterns and embroideries on our tea towels to give you a wide choice. Cannot wait to lay your hands on these nature-friendly hemp tea towels that also happen to be uplifting the marginalized members of the society? We can ship your order via air or water (whichever is faster) so that you don’t have to wait anymore.